0330 912 1667

Permanent Executive Search

Perfectly match your business’s long term strategies with those one-in-a-million candidates who are ideally qualified to take your company to the next level.

Our industry-specialist agents utilise their deep insights to identify and qualify potential candidates, successfully inviting the very best to consider new opportunities.

Each candidate is vetted and verified to ensure your tailored shortlist only contains the top 10% of talent who can drive lasting change in your business.

Finding you the perfect candidate:

Unlike other agencies, we offer a truly bespoke service. Our starting point is always the same: we take the time to listen and understand exactly who your perfect candidate is.

Our sector specialist recruiters then forge connections and utilise their extensive networks to source T10% talent who can seamlessly transition to your team.

Our permanent executive search areas include:

Manufacturing & Engineering

Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals


Financial services

Government & Public sector

Technology & Digital

Manufacturing & Engineering

Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals


Financial services

Government & Public sector

Technology & Digital

Here to power your business growth:

Our 40+ years of senior industry experience results in a unique and far-reaching talent database. All of which means your ideal candidate is often already part of our network.

To get the right people first time, every time, turn to Staff Point – we are here to power your business growth.

Within these areas, the specialist roles we place include:

Chief Executive Officers

Senior directors

Vice Presidents

Heads of finance

HR Partners

Chief Technology Officers

Strategy Directors

Chief Executive Officers

Senior directors

Vice Presidents

Heads of finance

HR Partners

Chief Technology Officers

Strategy Directors



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